sains islam bahasa Inggris
- In considering Islamic sciences as a distinct, local practice, it is important to define words such as "Arabic," "Islamic," "alchemy," and "chemistry."
Dalam mempertimbangkan sains Islam sebagai praktik lokal yang berbeda, penting untuk mendefinisikan kata-kata seperti "bahasa Arab", "Islam", "alkimia", dan "kimia". - Islamic science began its decline in the 12th or 13th century, before the Renaissance in Europe, and due in part to the 11th–13th century Mongol conquests, during which libraries, observatories, hospitals and universities were destroyed.
Sains Islam mulai menurun pada abad ke-12 atau ke-13, dalam hubungannya dengan Renaissance di Eropa, dan sebagian karena Penaklukan Mongol pada abad ke-11 sampai ke-13, di mana perpustakaan, observatorium, rumah sakit dan universitas dihancurkan. - Though Principe's discussion is centered on the Western practice of alchemy and chemistry, this argument is supported in the context of Islamic science as well when considering the similarity in methodology and Aristotelian inspirations, as noted in other sections of this article.
Meskipun diskusi Principe berpusat pada praktik alkimia dan kimia Barat, argumen ini didukung dalam konteks sains Islam juga saat mempertimbangkan kemiripan metodologi dan inspirasi Aristoteles, seperti yang ditulis di bagian lain artikel ini. - Elsewhere during the Middle Ages, Islamic science and mathematics flourished under the Islamic caliphate which was established across the Middle East, extending from the Iberian Peninsula in the west to the Indus in the east and to the Almoravid Dynasty and Mali Empire in the south.
Sains Islam dan matematika Islam berkembang pesat di bawah khilafah Islam yang menguasai Timur Tengah, mulai dari Semenanjung Iberia di barat sampai Lembah Indus di timur dan Dinasti Almoravid dan Kekaisaran Mali di selatan.